Thursday, July 21, 2022

Birbs of Saskatchetoon - Bobolink

On Sunday, 5 June 2022, I went for a long ride southwest of town. On a quiet summer road I was startled by the sudden shipping of a bird in a nearby bush. It hopped to some higher branches where I could make out a dark bird and I initially mistook it for a Grey Catbird. But when it jumped up to the top of the bush, into the sunlight, I noticed the yellow on it’s head and white on the wings and knew I was looking at something entirely different. It flew off, but lighted on a post a short distance away and continued to sing away. I also realized it sounded quite different. It actually reminded me a bit of R2-D2’s electronic chips and whistles!? 

Bobolink in the Birbs of Saskatchetoon 2022 Sketchbook - Volume Two

Wow… really made a bit of a mess with this one, today… 

Part of me wanted to experiment with keeping the birb on ONE page… but the ink seemed to want to go where the ink wanted to go… so I tried to lean into it… and… Yeah… I don’t know what I’m doing!? 

There he is... 

I took a LOT of pictures... this is just a small selection of ones that were mostly in focus... 

pretty loud for such a small bird. 

They winter in the south of Brazil and Paraguay! 

then fly all the way up here - across the Carribean - to make there bebes!? 

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