Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Birbs of Saskatchetoon - Baltimore Oriole

I don't know what it is, but I get unreasonably excited whenever I see a Baltimore Oriole... Maybe it's because I don't every see them all that often...? Maybe it's the bright colours - one of the brightest birds I see around here...? I don't know. 

On Friday 15 July I rode out to Costco and teetering back through the Silverwood off-leash dog park with a wildly overloaded bike, I saw a flash of orangish-yellow and black dart across my path. I stopped and watched a Baltimore Oriole dart a few times between some conifers deep within the adjacent golf course and berry bushes on the river bank. Never really stopped in a place long enough for me to get a good picture of it... but it was clear what I was watching... 

Baltimore Oriole in the Birbs of Saskatchetoon 2022 Sketchbook - Volume Two! 

My bike... 

The trees on the golf course that they were flying to and from

Teh river bank - which had a number of berry bushes that the birds were flying to. 

There's one!

Ooooh! Two of them!? 

Oooh! you can ALMOST make this one out! 

I mean, those colours!? 

While I was skulking around there trying to get a picture of the Orioles that were being very uncooperative and shy - and landing deep within the bush... I did manage to get pictures of a couple of other birds that were a bit more coperative... or just young and too stupid to know better... 

A juvenile American Robin

and a Clay-Coloured Sparrow! (which also might be a young one...?)

ONE MORE (Swainson's Hawk) and I'm all caught up!!

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