Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Birbs of Saskatchetoon - Western Grebe

Last week I spotted three different Grebes on the river just south of the weir. 

The first was a Western Grebe - but it was way across the river and I could barely make it outwith the binoculars, the camera barely even registered there was anything there... (Can you see it!? its the smudge) 

 I wasn't 100% certain it was a Western Grebe, could have been a Clark's Grebe...

After a second visit a couple of days later I did get a good enough look through the binoculars that I was relatively certain that it was a Western Grebe 

It seemed to really like the east side of the river so I rode up to the Circle Drive Bridge and crossed over and rode back to the weir and tried taking the dirt paths done closer to the rivers edge to see if I could get a BETTER look! 

And I did get better look! And some almost not terrible pictures... 

AND I spotted ANOTHER Grebe chilling with it out on the river!? 

This one might have been the Horned Grebe...? It's a few days back. I saw a Horned Grebe AND a Red-Necked Grebe - which was pretty exciting! 

One last pic of the Western Grebe...

Western Grebe in the Birbs of Saskatchetoon Sketchbook.

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