Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Birbs of Saskatchetoon - Killdeer

 While taking pictures of the Yellow-Headed Blackbird and looking at all the other birds in the small wetland by the side of the road, a Killdeer popped up out of the reeds and grass at the edge of the water. It made a quick flying tour about the open water, screaching it's familiar call all teh way. Then it disappeared back into the mess of foliage from whence it came. 

Killdeer in the Birbs of Saskatchetoon Sketchbook

Killdeer I saw at the first wetland.

it was lucky I had my camera out and on, as it flew very quickly! 

Later I spotted another at the next wetland I stopped at. 

Not a great camera taking a picture of a small thing a little too far off.... but it was there! 

Luckily I had my binoculars and took notes. 

One more bird to do that I saw at that last marsh last Wednesday...

And NINE OTHERS I've seen since?!



  1. Cool
    I don't know how some people get good photos of birds and things. Maybe better cameras than I have? :P

    1. Thanks!

      I often see people out with DLSR cameras with GIANT freaking telephoto lenses the size of my leg, and I think "Ah, THEY're the ones that get all the really nice photos. But this past weekend Amanda came out for a ride and brought the camera we picked up for Finnegan to use for his Photography course and... it IS a better camera than the little point and shot camera I keep in my pocket. it is a little bit bigger and bulkier, but it wasn't insanely expensive and WOW - did it EVER take some nice pictures! I'll be posting a few later this week!
