Friday, May 13, 2022

Birbs of Saskatchetoon - Common Grackle

 All these "COMMON" birds... Common Loon, Common Merganser, Common Grackle.... What is so "COMMON" about a LOON!? Where is the SPECTACULAR Loon? or the Uncommon Merganser? Or the FABULOUS Grackle?! 

So mean. 

So insulting. 

Anyway... While I was busy looking out at birds on the river scrambling around in the bush to get a better view, I suddenly noticed there were three or four Grackles also flitting about in the bushes RIGHT BESIDE ME!? 

Despite their proximity, they really like hiding in the bushes. I took dozens of pictures and these were the only three where they weren't obscured too much to be recognized... 

Even caught one in flight - which almost never works out for me!? 

Common Grackle in the Birbs of Saskatchetoon Sketchbook. 

Still to do: Lesser Scaup, Horned Grebe, Red-Necked Grebe, Mourning Dove, Tree Swallow, and Northern Flicker... 


  1. I guess it's just common sense. lol
    I like the colors in your rendition! Captures the iridescence of the black feathers quite well.

    1. Ha-ha! I guess so!
      Thanks, I've been playing around with lighter glazing layers and am relatively happy with how it's turning out!
