Friday, May 13, 2022

Birbs of Saskatchetoon - Lesser Scaup

 I actually think I first saw these almost a month ago... but I couldn't figure out what they were. They were quite a way out into the river and, at that time, I wasn't carrying good binoculars. At first I thought they might be Goldeneyes... but then noted there was a lack of the white dot on the males face and their backs didn't look quite so dark... and it looked as if the bill was a lighter colour!? 

It wasn't until May when I had a good pair of binoculars with me and saw them again and could make out the light patch on the female around the bill that I was pretty certain what I was looking at were Scaups. 

Though I was carrying better binoculars, the camera is still crap and this is about as good as it gets....

Lesser Scaup in the Birbs of Saskatchetoon Sketchbook. 


  1. I think I've heard of scaups, but wouldn't have been able to identify them.

    1. I'd never heard of them until I was looking through books trying to figure out what they heck I was looking at!?
