Monday, May 16, 2022

Birbs of Saskatchetoon - Mourning Dove

 Almost two weeks ago, while riding with Keiran out to the Chappell Marsh Conservation Area, we spotted three Mourning Doves up on a power line. All three lfew away before I could get my camera out. Yesterday evening, while riding out to the marsh on my own, I saw another in almost the exact same spot. 

This time I was quicker with the camera (or the Mourning Dove was slower...?) but I got it out just in time to take two quick pics, before it fucked off into the bushes.... 

Backlit by the early evening sun makes for not so much colour... 

Maybe I should just give up on taking pictures... 

Mourning Doves in the Birbs of Saskatchetoon Sketchbook. 


  1. Some places I have lived you could hear them cooing right outside. Then there is that distinctive flutter when they burst into flight.

    1. Same here. Many years ago we lived on an acreage outside of town and could hear them out in the yard all the time!
