Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Birbs of Saskatchetoon - Eastern Kingbird

Thursday, 26 May 2022, I went for a ride south of town out Strathcona Avenue/Range Road 3055. Turned East through Casa Rio and then south again to the north edge of CFD Dundurn and past the village of East Beaver Creek. Just after turning back north on Range Road 3055 to make my way back into town I spotted a bird up on a power or phone cable that I initially mistook for a Swallow - of which there were many along the route - then realized I was looking at something else - the first Eastern Kingbird I saw this year! 

Eastern Kingbird in the Birbs of Saskatchetoon Sketchbook. 

Kingbird is an interesting name... looks more like a hooded bandit... or an executioner!? 

Who is that up there...?

(this is that first one I saw) 

Why it's an Eastern Kingbird!

The nest ride out of town I saw two or three. 

Thereafter, I've been seeing them EVERYWHERE!? 

Dried up section of the Chappell Marsh Conservation Area.


  1. Nice painting/drawing!
    That's another bird I don't think I've seen. Not surprising, given that its range and mine don't overlap. I looked online. The Western Kingbird looks quite different in coloration (and which I may or may not have seen amongst all the other little birds).

    1. Thanks!
      I, on the other hand, have never seen a Western Kingbird! (or if I happened to see it in my travels, I had no idea what I was looking at...)
