Friday, June 17, 2022

Birbs of Saskatchetoon - American Avocet

 On Saturday, 28 May 2022, Finnegan had to travel to a remote location for "training" at a different library branch. It was at the one that is probably furthest from us and he had to be there at the regular time (which is really, REALLY early for him) and I was going to go for a bike ride anyway, so I thought I'd ride with him, to show him how to get there on a relatively car-free route (there are actually multi-use trails that we were able to ride and the only interaction we had with motor vehicle traffic was crossing a few streets. 

after stopping by the library, I kept going north, through the Northeast Swale and checked out a few wetlands looking for birds! At the first I stopped at I realized Amanda had been sending me panicked messages that Finnegan had forgotten his lunch!? - so I had to ride all the way back home, grab his lunch, and ride all the way back to the library - and got there just in time for lunch! 

(Okay, I didn't HAVE to. I could have just said "welp, he'll learn not to forget it in the future!" or whatever... but I'm just not that sort of person... my plan was to do some riding, and riding I did!) 

On my way home, though, I was passing by one of the smaller wetlands that usually doesn't have much in it, when something caught my eye! Stopping to have a better look I noticed an American Avocet! (and then another!)

this was the first day I was carrying the good camera, so I actually got some pretty decent shots of it. 

Also, because I am getting very far behind on these, I have since seen a few more American Avocets... and took pictures of those... too many to really share here... but I've included a few. 

American Avocet in the Birbs of Saskatchetoon 2022 Sketchbook (Volume 1) 

this is the first one I saw. 

Then I noticed they had a friend. 

They are lovely birds. 

And this new (to me) camera!? 

Next one I saw was in another wetland not so far from the first, a week later. 

Just wading around doing avocet things. 

I've seen a few others at others at other wetlands since. 

I often stop at the top of Chief Mistawasis Bridge, while out on my bike rides, and have a really good look at that western shore, as I've spotted Herons down there in the past... and what did I see the other week...? Waaaaaaay down there by the shore....? 

Zooming in.... can you see it yet? 

Zooming some more! There it is! 

Not a Heron - another American Avocet!? 

Three more pics to fill up the Birbs of Saskatchetoon 2022 Sketchbook (Volume One!) 

None of them will be herons. 


  1. Great pics, both the photos and your art! The new camera makes such a huge difference, eh?
    That was nice of you to go back to fetch Finnegan's lunch for him. At least you got more exercise out of it.

    1. Thanks!
      Yeah, the better camera is kind of a game-changer. If I saw a bird I had no idea about before I'd have to take many long looks at it with the good binoculars - make a sketch - look some more - revise the sketch - look some more - make notes about details I coudn't draw on the sketch.... Now, I can just zooooooom in take a few pics and clearly identify it when I get home!?
