Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Birbs of Saskatchetoon - Barn Swallow

 In addition to the Yellow Warbler and all the usual suspect waterfowl, there were SWARMS of Swallows zipping and diving to and fro scooping swaths of mosquitos from the air. Among them were definitely some Barn Swallows that I hadn't yet seen this year. 

Barn Swallow in the Birbs of Saskatchetoon Sketchbook

It was incredibly hard to get a picture of them as they never stop moving!? With Tree Swallows, all you need to do is find a nesting box - of which there are MANY around the marsh and lining fields... Barn Swallows, not-so-much. Unless you have (or have access to) a rural property with buildings that they might build their nests in... 

Some kind of swallow we saw that day... may not be a Barn Swallow



  1. So tempting to make some pun, but trees and barns are not easy to swallow.
