Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Birbs of Saskatchetoon - Clay-Coloured Sparrow

After returning home, picking up Finnegan's lunch and riding all the way back to give it to him at work, I returned to my ride. I took a slightly different route along some pathways I'd never ridden down and spotted a few tiny birds flitting about the low brush and trees. On actually sat still long enough for me to get a good look (and a few pics!). Checking our reference books on my return to home later, We (that is, Amanda and I) figured it was a Clay-Cloloured Sparrow! 

Clay-Coloured Sparrow in the Birbs of Saskatchetoon 2022 Sketchbook (Volume One!) 

I feel like I’m kind of rushing with these... partly because I'm feeling way behind (spotted this nearly a MONTH ago!?). Partly it’s because I just want to finish this sketchbook I’m doing them in and start a new one - two more after this and the first book is FILLED!

This ended up a tad darker than I'd planned... and legs kind of look like they are at a funny angle... but, whatevs... it's done, I’m moving on.

Can you see it...? 

Take a really close look! 

Flitted off to another location - at least this time there were not so many leaves in the way! 

There it is! 

Tiny little thing! 

I think it's spotted me, better get a few more quick shots before it takes off!? 

Also finished up the American Wigeon last night, so I'll probably get to posting that later today. 

Then I've got ONE MORE PAGE in this book (which will be Wilson's Phalerope!) and then Volume One is DONE! 


  1. Congrats on finishing the birb book!

    1. Thanks so much! I probably wouldn't have made it this far without so much positive support from people like you (and followers on Instagram and Facebook and such)

  2. It's been fun to follow along and to see all the different birds. Also might inspire me to do some more drawing myself. cheers
