Friday, May 13, 2022

Birbs of Saskatchetoon - Buffleheads


Lovely pair of buffleheads I spotted at the Chappell Marsh Conservation Area. 

Or... NEAR the Chappell Marsh Conservation Area... I'm not sure if the wetland north of the road is technically PART of the Conservation area...? The part of the marsh south of the road is almost all dried up!? 

Wait... who is this...? Another dude..? 

Seems he fancied the female and made his move... 

there was much squawking and flatting and flying back and forth across the marsh. 

Really it went on forEVER!? 

Seriously, if they were humans someone would have reported a domestic dispute to the police! 

Note the pair of Mallards that are all like "ugh... the buffleheads are at it again..." 

Buffleheads in the Birbs of Saskatchetoon Sketchbook.

I'd finished this and posted across all the other platforms (instagram, Twitter, tumblr, facebook, etc...) last week... but this morning I came to get a post ready for the Grackles I'm working on today and realized this (and the Red-Winged Blackbirds) were still just DRAFTS - I'd imported the pictures but not gotten around to typing copy and posting!? DOH!? 

1 comment:

  1. I like how the one male is giving the other one the side eye in your painting.
