Thursday, May 19, 2022

Birbs of Saskatchetoon - Spotted Towhee

While riding over to my folks place yesterday morning, I heard a bird singing VERY LOUDLY right next to the trail. So, I stopped, located him, busted out the camera to take a quick pic in case he darted away.

One of the pictures I took. The least crappy one. 

Then I got out the binoculars, had a really good look. I made a doodle and took some notes. 

Notes in my little "field book"

Then I carried on to my folks place. 

At my folks place I showed them my notes and my dad shuffles off to his bookcase and comes back with a bird book and says “like this…?” and shows me a SPOTTED TOWHEE.

I have been surrounded by birders all my life, foremost among them has been my dad. He might not remember the name of them off the top of his head... but he knew what he was looking for and new EXACTLY where in the book to find it... 

I saw another one (or, maybe the same one, in a different spot?) on my way home.

Spotted Towhee in the Birbs of Saskatchetoon Sketchbook. 

On Tuesday, when I finished the Norther Flicker, I was all caught up... Wednesday morning I spotted this Towhee. When I got home did I do something sensible like stay home and get a drawing of this guy finished...? Fuck No! I went out for a ride and spotted THREE MORE new birbs!? 

So… Stay tuned for those…?!


  1. "I went out for a ride and spotted THREE MORE new birbs!?" LOL
    Another nice drawing - looks like he is singing his heart out!
    Some day you may run out of new birds to spot... (could be a while though)

    1. I'm pretty amazed I'm finding as many as I do. Though my friend Ryan, who is, like, a REAL birder is up to over ONE HUNDRED on his 2022 species list! I'm at... 45..?

      I was a little worried after I started this - in a not-inexpensive hardcover watercolour journal - that I might not actually see enough to fill the book! (I think there is 60 pages..?) Now my worry is that I'll finish this... but only need three or four pages of a SECOND volume!?

      Lot of migratory birds passing through here right about now. Things should settle down in a few weeks and then I'll have to figure out something else to do!

    2. You could always stick in a few loose sheets, or even glue or tape them in, if needed.
