Friday, May 27, 2022

Birbs of Saskatchetoon - Chipping Sparrow

Went out for a ride on the tandem with Keiran on Sunday. Before we even left the yard, I heard and unfamiliar call and spent a bit of time trying to locate it and then find a spot where I could actually SEE who was making the sound. Eventually spotted a tiny Chipping Sparrow WAAAAAAAAY up in a tree!?

Chipping Sparrow in the Birbs of Saskatchetoon Sketchbook

The Tree it was in... can you see it!? 

There it is!

Again, with a slight bit more identifiable detail! (and inspiration for my own drawing)


  1. On my walk the other day there was a bird that sounded quite loud - then I realized it was some sort of little brown bird about eye level to me (or ear level) quite close by. After a quick second or two it flew away.

    1. It never ceases to amaze me how LOUD some of these tiny birds can be!
