Friday, May 20, 2022

MOAR Birb - Rask Duvs and Others

 I was trying to organize some stuff this morning and I realized there were a few little bird illustrations I did through February, March and April that somehow I don't think ever made it onto this blog...? so... here they are... 

(and if you have seen them before... because I have posted them here... but just can't find them... sorry!?) 

Rawk Duvs Take a Picture - 30cm x 30cm - Ink and watercolour on paper. 

Rawk Duvs Smash the Patriarchy - 30cm x 30cm - Ink and watercolour on paper. 

Rawk Duv Janice - 30cm x 30cm - Ink and watercolour on paper. 

Confused Nuthatch -15cm x 15cm - Ink and watercolour on paper.  

Angry Eurasian Blue Tit -15cm x 15cm - Ink and watercolour on paper. 

Rawk Duvs Just Don't -15cm x 15cm - Ink and watercolour on paper. 

Rawk Duvs Maybe - 15cm x 15cm - Ink and watercolour on paper. 

Yellow-Headed Blackbird should be next... 


  1. Ha! Good ones! If you did post them before I forgot. LOL

  2. Lots of fascinating bird art and background photos recently.
