Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Critters on Bicycles - Jason the American Red Squirrel

 Day 19... over half way... almost two-thirds... of the FIRST 30... 

(the sketchbook has 60 pages, so I figure I'll just keep going into November!) 

Jason the American Red Squirrel on a black Felt mountain bike. 


  1. Great one! How long does it typically take to knock one of these terrific pieces out, Tim?

    1. Thanks!

      How long does it take...? That's a reasonable question that seems like it should be straightforward, but I always have a really hard time knowing exactly how to answer. It depends on a lot of things. Do I include the time looking for reference photos and making preliminary sketches? Depends how many of those preliminary sketches I do (done in a separate sketchbook) before I'm happy the the pose/layout/idea I have. It depends on how many colours there are - it LOOKS like watercolour, but it's really acrylic inks I use to colour these and they behave a little different from watercolour and I usually have to let things dry a little longer before going in with any adjacent colour, or colours over top of others, lest they bleed into an adjacent colour or pool and make a mess and take even LONGER to dry. Depends how much detail there is. Depends if I'm working on another one at the same time (the 40K drawings I've generally been doing two at a time on facing pages and that saves some time as I'll work on one while ink on the other dries). Depends if I do a background on them (I've mostly given up on that for these - as it does add too much time and doesn't really makes them look THAT much better). Depends how distracted I am. Do I include the time to take photos, crop, colour correct, and post..

      Best I can say is: "a few hours"...?

      I guess I could also say "a morning" or "an afternoon" or "and evening", as I usually work on one over the course of a morning or an afternoon or an evening... but I might also be doing other things (laundry, dishes, making a meal, reading, etc) and it's hard to say, out of that time what percentage has been spent on art-making versus other stuff. It's definitely the majority of the time, but is it 70% or is it 90%....? I don't really know.

      Occasionally it takes "a day" - but I'm generally spending a greater percentage of the time doing other things...

      I hope that kind of makes some sense...?

    2. It certainly does! The answer is, “it depends!”
