Thursday, October 6, 2022

40 Days of 40K - Tyranids


Day Four - Tyranids

Tyranid Warrior and Genestealer (and Genestealer Cultist) all show up later in the prompt list, so I wanted to stay away from those.... So I chose a Carnifex. Apparently that Carnifex's mom didn't teach baby Carnifex not to play with it's food. Little does that poor Carnifex know, that tricksy Commissar has already set her plasma pistol ot overload and in a few short moments they will both be vapourized in a ball of gas that will flash bright as the sun for the briefest of moments... 

The Commissar is not afraid. She is only sad. Sad that in this moment of sacrifice her duty to her beloved Emperor on Terra ends. 

The Commissar is serving with the 222nd Guaiacan Commando Regiment on Brynd's World, where the regiment encountered elements of Hive Fleet Haemoroid! 


Feeling a bit under the weather today... not Covid, just a cold, but WOW, it has been a long time since I've had a cold that wiped me out this bad. I've spent half the day laying in bed. 

Usually I only spend about a quarter of the day laying in bed!? 

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