Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Birbs of Saskatchetoon - Double-Crested Cormorant

Double-Crested Cormorants were back over the weekend! 

Usually the first place I spot them is in a long line, precariously perched along a cable that spans the river between the University Bridge and the weir. 

This year I first spotted the on the mid-river sandbar island among the Canada Geese and Pelicans. It has been rather windy this past week...

From the weir where I first spotted them! 

Scrambled down a muddy back a bit closer to the island... not much better.... 

I did spot a pair a little further on - that were closer- but kept diving every time I got my camera ready... 

probably the closest shot I got. 

A few days later, there were loads more all hanging out with the Pelicans. 

Double-Crested Cormorant in the Birbs of Saskatchewan Sketchbook. 

Got some weird reflection off some of the ink... 


  1. Nice painting!
    The "closest shot" pic reminds me of the old photo of "Nessie". ha ha (well, the creature in your photo is more identifiable)

    1. Ha-ha! Kind of, yeah...

      Last year I was thinking about all the bridges we have in Saskatoon and imagining the trolls that might live under them and considered doing drawings and paintings of them. That expanded out to a whole host of Saskatoon Cryptids... and then, like so many other projects, got just too overwhelming and was shelved... Maybe for another year... Maybe never.

