Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Birbs of Saskatchetoon - Dark-Eyed Junco

Hardly even had to work for this one. Got out of bed this morning. Went to the bathroom. As I was washing my hands I saw some movement out of the corner of my eye, through the window next to me and looked to see who it was - expecting a sparrow or chickadee, as I often see out that window - and spotted someone entirely new! 

Dark-Eyed Junco in the Birbs of Saskatchewan Sketchbook. 

The Junco was rummaging around in my neighbours rain gutter/eavestrough. After a moment a second one appeared in a nearby tree. They chattered at each other for a moment and then the one in the tree flew off, and the one in the gutter flew into the tree. 

I'd run off to grab my little camera and phone and took a PILE of photos, hoping one or two might turn out... or at least I'd get some reference photos for my neighbours roof and rain gutter in which I could situate a fabricated Junco based on other reference photos... Most were crap. but a few were good enough that I was able to put together my illustration without too much referencing of other pics... 

Up on the roof. My little camera REALLY LOVES to focus on BRANCHES!?

Picture I mostly based my illustration on. 

I'm sad I didn't get a picture of the TWO of them! 

Over into the tree. 

More in the tree. 

Spent a LOT of time, just shifting about that tree. 

Watching... Waiting... 

My mother and sister have both reported seeing Robins yesterday and today, respectively - my sister even sending me a picture she took! 

the other day while out for a ride, I HEARD meadowlarks, but couldn't see them for the life of me... Usually I see them out of town - on fenceposts or up on power poles, but this was alone a free way and there was nothing of the sort. I guess there were light posts, but I looked long and hard at all of those and saw nothing... 

1 comment:

  1. Nice!

    I had one of those little juncos trying to build a nest right outside my front door. Might've seemed like a great spot, but it would get disturbed every time I went in or out, so it gave up after a day or so.

    I spotted a number of birds while out walking today - several skeins of Canada geese honking across the sky, the usual robins and crows and small songbirds, and a Steller's jay, and a large hawk wheeling about in the sky. No photos though - I'm not quick enough and usually have very little to show for any effort.
