Sunday, April 17, 2022

Birbs of Saskatchetoon - American Robin

After nearly two weeks of others reporting their first spotting of returning American Robins (and a whole week after I HEARD my first Robin), I finally spotted one in my backyard this past Friday, as I was going to get my bike out for a ride!

American Robin in my back yard. 

Preliminary sketch.

American Robin in the Birbs of Saskatchetoon Sketchbook.

American Robin,  20cmx20cm (8'x8"), Ink and Watercolour on Paper


  1. Great work. I am always fascinated how different our Robins are from yours.

    1. Thanks, Alan!

      It is fascinating how much American flora and fauna are named after something completely unrelated from Europe, because the colour reminded them of that thing from the old country! Us colonists weren't the most original or inventive, I guess...

      I think the American Robin (though I would have only known it as Robin, then) was the first bird I was able to identify as a child - largely because it's easy to say and they are very common summer birds on the prairie that are very easy to identify - with their strikingly contrasting red and black(ish) colours.

  2. Nice
    I think I like the shading and coloring on the ink and watercolor one the best (the last pic).

    1. Thanks. it was the second one. I always learn a little from the first one. I should always do a few practice ones BEFORE doing the one in the book!? Hopefully I learn THAT someday!
