Monday, January 10, 2022

MOAR Chickadee

So... instead of moving ahead with painting birds I've seen so far this year... I decided I had so much fun painting that Chickadee in my sketchbook I needed to paint MORE Chickadees on separate pieces of paper. Also, my mom said she wanted one.... so... 

Original in sketchbook and two others of slightly different sizes. 

With these, I'd also wanted to experiment with doing the background in a different way - so I'd sketched out the foreground items (bird, branches) and then covered them in a masking fluid and then (once that was dry) washed the blue background with a blue acrylic ink

MOARChickadee, 20cmx20cm, ink and watercolour pencil on paper. 

AlsoMOARChickadee, 30cmx30cm, ink and watercolour pencil on paper.  

Maybe tomorrow I'll get to the sparrows.... 


  1. I do like the masking fluid method, very effective. My eldest daughters went to art school so I have had the joy of being surrounded by their art, art materials and the creative. My youngest did science. The girls got their art genes from their mum.

    1. Thanks Alan!

      Ehhh.. I've seen you've painted miniatures... I'm pretty sure YOU passed along an art gene or two yourself!
