Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Birbs of Saskatchetoon - American Crow

Despite William Kurlek writing in both Prairie Boy's Summer and Prairie Boy's Winter about crows gathering and leaving being the harbinger of winter and their return being the first true sign of spring for him, a few Crows (and Ravens!) overwinter here in Saskatoon. 

For the past few years, I've sees Ravens a bit more regularly than crows in the winters. So far this year, however, it's been mostly Crows. 

Early in the month, on a few occasions, I saw distant large black birds circling in the sky - but far too distant to identify. It wasn't until mid month that I spotted identifiable Crows and Ravens - both on the same day! 

American Crow in the Birbs of Saskatchetoon Sketchbook. 

Crow on a Power Pole

20cmx20xm (8'x8"), Ink on Watercolour Paper 

Here are a few process and reference pics...

There's the first crow I spotted his year. 

Well First crow that I was definitely able to identify. 

Can you see it?

There it is! 

Spotted this one - a bit closer - a week later...?

Had a brief discussion with a Magpie that flew up. 

Decided it didn't need that kine of negativity in it's life and fucked off. 

or... something like that. 

Fun part of winter: without all the leaves on the trees - you can see crows nests all over the place. They are so huge they are visible from some distance! 

Painting the Crows - sketchbook vs. separate page. I think this is where I got to in the morning before I had to run out and do some errands. 

Shortly after I got back from doing errands, Keiran got home from school and we decided to clear off the kitchen table and have a family art night... well... half-family....? 

Since I was working on "Birbs", they decided to do something "Birb-Adjacent" 

This is what they came up with. 

That's all for now. 

Raven is next. Maybe tomorrow...? 


  1. Talented (half?) family! lol
    We have lots of crows year round where I live. I've not seen any ravens here, but had seen a number of them at Yellowstone a few years ago.

    1. Oh, they're all pretty talented, in their own way!


  2. Great artwork and photos. I am intrigued by the Kurlek books…

    1. Thanks, Alan.

      Prairie Boy's Winter and Prairie Boy's Summer are children's books published in the 70s. Each two-page spread page has a full-page, colour painting by Kurlek of a typical scene from a summer or winter growing up on the Canadian prairies in the 30s and opposite a text description of what's going on. I do like his paintings. There's another called Lumberjack about a couple of summers he worked in logging camps as a young man in the late 40s.

    2. Thanks for the info. I looked him up online and had a fascinating time reading about his life and art. I realised l was familiar with the painting of inside his mind but did not associate it with the name.
