Sunday, January 23, 2022

Birbs of Saskatchetoon - Rock Dove

 I always just called these pigeons....

As I said from the outset, though, this project was about actually learning some things about all these wonderful birds all around me. I was a little confused when I couldn't find PIGEON in my Birds of Saskatchewan book!? I mean, they're fucking EVERYWHERE!? Do they not count because they're an introduced species!? Sparrows are in the book! Starlings are in the book!

And then I found them. Rock Doves. Apparently PIGEONS are a domesticated animal. ROCK DOVES are a "feral" pigeon. 

I will correct EVERYONE now! 

(no I won't!) 

(Okay, I did correct Amanda when walked by and said "are you painting a pigeon?")

(She was unimpressed)

Rock Dove in my Birbs of Saskatchetoon Sketchbook. 

Rock Dove

20cmx20xm (8'x8"), Ink on Watercolour Paper 

It was a week into January when I realized "how have I not spotted one!?" Does familiarity truly breed such contempt that I don't even notice stuff right before my very eyes. When I did go out LOOKING for them, I did find them in their usual spaces - under the bridges - but there are fewer of them than there has been in the past - partly because of anti-bird nets and spikes that have been installed in some parts of some of the bridges....

Here are some of the pics I took of Rock Doves (feral pigeons!) around Saskatoon. 

Since it's harder for them to hang out UNDER the Senator Buckwold/Idlywyld Freeway Beidge, they just cling to the side. 

Sometimes they fly around, for no apparent reason. Maybe just to stretch the wings...? 

Other times they fly down to the ice for some water. 

Same place. Different time of day. 

Some of the Anit-Birb wire/nets untder the bridge - denying previous favoured roosting spots. 

Other side of the Senator Buckwold Bridge. 

More on the Circle Drive Bridge.

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