Thursday, January 13, 2022

Birbs of Saskatchetoon - Black-Billed Magpie

 I saw my first magpie of the year on the 4th. Heading out for groceries I spotted one by the Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan site. Chased it around for a bit trying to get a decent reference pic and then gave up as my hands were freezing (-40 windchill that afternoon). 

15-20 minutes later as I was approaching Preston Crossing I rode past some trees where there were dozens of them frolicking and messing about. It was even more exposed and windy there. Every time I stopped and reached for my camera/phone they’d fly off and my fingers would freeze. 

I am pretty happy with the drawing/painting in the book... less happy with this photo... just couldn't get the levels to match how it looks IRL. Ah, well... 

While working on this, I was taking some process pictures and texting them to my mom - who was feeling lonely in her building where there have been covid cases and everyone is kind of shut in... It was actually nice to do because it helped slow things down. Often I am CrAzY impatient and rush to do washed before a mask is try or rush to rub off the mask before the wash is dry and ultimately smear crap all over spaces it was not meant to be on! 

This isn't ALWAYS my process... this is just what I did for THIS one. My "process" is a constantly evolving creature. Sometimes I do things in different order. Sometimes I use entirely different materials. 

Sometimes I do a really rough sketch in another sketchbook. This was with Windsor & Newton Watercolour markers and the background filled in with Derwent Inktense Watercolour pencils - that I didn't bother to wet... 

Next I busted out the actual Watercolour Sketchbook I'm doing these all in and penciled some stuff and did some light line work with 3xO/.25 rapidograph and then blocked out bird and branches and snow with liquid frisket/masking fluid. then did some background washes with acrylic inks (Holbein Lamp Black and Amsterdam Warm Grey). 

Successfully waited unit washes were dry and removed mask. Did some more line work with 1/.5 Rapidograph on fence and painted in branches with acrylic ink (Holbein Burnt Umber)

More line work with 1/.5 Rapidograph on birb. Never sure whether to do this or watercolours first... usually do a bit before AND afterwards... if it needs touching up. 

Derwent Inktense Watercolour pencils. 

Wetting watercolour pencils with super handy Pentel Arts Aquash Water Brush that I recently started using for this purpose - SO HANDY!!! 

Here are a few of the reference photos I took... Not the best ones... 


  1. Nice
    I never see magpies around my area. Lots of crows here though.

    1. Thanks! I think they're lovely birds. They are so common here people get annoyed by them and think of them as annoying or pests.

  2. I enjoyed seeing your process pictures.
    WhenI was growing up l hardly ever saw a Magpie but now they are much , much more common.
