Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Birbs of Saskatchetoon - Mountain Bluebird

Mountain Bluebirds are one of those birds that I'll see once a year (or two) out on my countryside-bicycle-rambles - just a shocking dash of blue, my brain takes a moment to realize "OH! BLUEBIRD!" and then it's gone! But always an exciting surprise!

As I was riding my bike south of town late Sunday afternoon/early evening, I spotted a few dozen small birds flying between nearby bushes and overhead cable. From a distance I thought they might be young Eastern Kingbirds or Swallows of some type - as I've seen lots of those in the area - but also because the late afternoon/early evening sun on their chests made it look very light and their backs contrastingly dark. But getting a closer look, especially at the photos when I got home, it clearly wasn't either! I did notice some of their wings were a darkish blue - but I always think of Mountain Bluebirds as being a lighter blue (as the breeding males are), so I hadn't even considered that! 

My friend Ryan saw the pictures on facebook and was able to help me out (AGAIN!) They were all juvenile and/or female Mountain Bluebirds! 

Mountain Bluebird in the Birbs of Saskatchetoon 2022 Sketchbook - Volume Two! 

So many little birds on the lines! 

There were more in the trees and the bushes across the road. 

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