Thursday, August 4, 2022

Birbs of Saskatchetoon - Goldfinch

Many (MANY) years ago, Amanda and I lived on and acreage Southeast of Saskatoon. We had lots of bird feeders - including a few Nyjer Thistle seed feeders, and all summer long it seemed like there were constantly goldfinches all over those feeders. They were a bright flurry of yellow that you couldn't miss against an otherwise green and/or brown backdrop. 

Since moving back to town, I feel like I hardly ever see Goldfinches. My parents would get a few in their back yard - in a house they lived in a decade ago (it was much closer to the river, and to the edge of town). So far only House Finches come to our Nyjer Thistle (which are lovely as well!). 

I've seen flashes of yellow in the bushes along the Meewasin Trail, but they never stick around long enough to get a proper look. Never sure if they are goldfinches or yellow warblers or something else. 

The other day I definitely saw GOLDFINCHES! TWO of them! Still wasn't able to get a good picture of them! but I saw them! 

I think this is the 75th bird I've added to the Birbs of Saskatchetoon Sketchbook this year! 

Goldfinches in the Birbs of Saskatchetoon 2022 Sketchbook - Volume Two! 

I did get a picture of sorts... those yellow blobs are goldfinches, I swear! 

because I was bored, I was texting process pictures to my mom, so I thought I'd share those as well... 


  1. 75 birds? Wow, I didn't realize it was so many (but then, I'm also kind of surprised it is August already ha ha).

    1. I know, right? It's like, the snow just melted and, boom, it's August!? WTF!?

      And also, yeah, SEVETY-FIVE!? I wasn't sure I was going to be able to fill that first sketchbook (which had 60 pages!) and here I am part way through the next one... and there are still birds that I have seen in previous years and can identify, that I have not yet seen this year!? Massive flocks of Sandhill Cranes some through here in the fall. I haven't seen a single Owl - and there are at least two I know I have seen - Snowy and Great Horned. I know there are other hawks.

      A friend of mine is over 120 on his bird list for this year! He actually drives to sites around the province and goes on walks looking for birds... and can actually identify a LOT more than me...

      Will I get to 100?! I don't know. I'll get excited if I can get to 80! I'd be even more excited if I could finish - or at least be CLOSE to finishing the second book. I can't remember how many pages are left in it. Using them up a bit quicker now that I'm doing it as two page spreads!
