Thursday, February 17, 2022

New Studio Space

Our house has been in a near state of constant of renovation... well... maybe it's more of a state of complete chaos caused by stalled renovation. No active renovating is going on at the moment, nor has there been in over half a year. 

Until yesterday, however, our living room was FILLED with furniture and boxes full of STUFF that had been removed from the basement (almost two years ago) for the basement to be renovated... but then that stalled... and the living room has been unusable since... which didn't matter much as there's a pandemic going on and it's not like people were coming over to hang out or anything. 

Of course, the basement, devoid of furniture and STUFF, is also unusable, for the most part, including the room that is, in theory, supposed to be and "Art Space". So I have just been working wherever I can temporarily clear a space - at the kitchen table, by the computer, in my reading chair - none of which are ideal places.. AND, because there is no designated space for all art supplies, they tend to be scattered all over the place and have to be hunted for whenever I want to do something. 

This week I decided enough was enough. While Amanda was out at work, I just started moving stuff out of the living room. Some of it went to the garage, some went upstairs, So even went back into the basement - for now, as there is no active renovation happening and won't be in the foreseeable future!?

Then I rearranged what was left and moved all art supplies I could find, scattered about the house, INTO the living room. I still need to organize it a bit better... but it's a start... 

I should have taken some before pics of the living room.  

New Art Space tucked in behind couch in the living room. 

The space still needs some sorting and organizing... but it's a start. 

it's going to be hard to give up this space - if the basement ever DOES get renovated - such great natural light. 

Out basement isn't THAT bad - it's not like some with no natural light - the room designated as "Future Art Space" DOES have two big windows and a fair bit of natural light... but not like this... 

Time to go try it out... 


  1. Organizing is never-ending battle with chaos, it seems. Which I always seem to be on the losing end of. ha ha

    Nice art space.

    1. Ha-ha! I can't say I have all that many "wins" either... but I call this one a win... for the moment..

