Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Birbs of Saskatchetoon - Bohemian Waxwing

Back in the Merlin post, I mentioned on that same day I saw a HUGE flock of birds that I saw from a distance... 

These ones.. 

I mentioned I thought they might be some kind of Waxwing...? I know there are Bohemian Waxwings and Cedar Waxwings... but I didn't know the difference or which might be in Saskatoon in great flocks in teh winter making a clear trilling sound. 

I was them again on the 26th - a bit closer this time. 

Not enough to make out colour details. 

But definitely close enough to see the crest on their heads. And, again, could hear a clear trilling sound coming from them. 

In further discussion with another friend that knows way more about birds, he confirmed that it was in fact, Bohemian Waxwings that I'd seen... so I went ahead and did a picture... 

Bohemian Waxwings in the Birbs of Saskatchetoon Sketchbook

Bohemian Waxwings - 20cmx20xm (8'x8"), Ink on Watercolour Paper 

Decided to change things up today and instead of concentrating on details on ONE bird - as I saw neither details, nor just ONE bird - I'd try and paint a bunch of them in a tree as I saw them! 

This gets me all caught up with the birds I spotted in January, and so far this year (it was REALLY COLD  this past week and I barely went out at all!) 

I guess I better get our riding again and looking for some new birds. 


  1. "I see a little silhouetto of a bird!
    Scaramouch! Scaramouch! Will you do the fandango?"

    Nice birb art!

    1. Ha! I'm going to be hearing that in my head all night and giggling! thanks!
