Sunday, February 27, 2022

Birbs of Saskatchetoon - House Finch

EDIT: I initially misidentified this as a Purple Finch, but it has been brought to my attention that what I was actually looking at was a HOUSE Finch! (I may have put a bit too much red on it's head...) 

I haven't seen any NEW birds to add to the Birbs of Saskatchetoon Sketchbook for a few weeks. 

On Thursday, I was out a ride and, near the end, in a spot I don't really often see birds... I spotted a bird! It was on a branch at the top of a bush! I slowed a bit to have a look.  Initially thought it was a sparrow but then noted it was RATHER REDDISH on the head! 

It took a moment, but I realized I was looking at a House Finch! So I stopped and quickly got off a few snaps before it chirped out a singsongy little tune and flew off!

House Finch in the Birbs of Saskatchetoon Sketchbook. 

It was a really fabulous end to a rather enjoyable ride. I'd seen two Coyotes in a field north of the university and pretty sure I HEARD a blue jay and... well there was another exciting thing that happened... but I'll save that for another post! 

There are the few pics I snapped before it flew off... 


  1. Nice
    Looks like a chirpy cheery little fellow.

  2. Very cool. We have a couple house finches at our feeders.

    1. Thanks! That's what this guy actually was. I misidentified it initially! Now to white-out (or, maybe white gesso... or gouache?) the error my sketchbook... ugh...
