Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Critters on Bicycles - Shannon Again

Our friend Shannon had a house-warming party earlier this year, to which I was invited... and... I missed it... 

Then she had a birthday party... and, again... I missed it... 

Both times I'd meant to have this finished to bring as a gift.... and... didn't... 

(that might have been a small part of the reason I didn't go to either... but mostly I just can't stand gatherings....). 

It is finished now... 

Shannon the Hedgehog rides her vintage cruiser bike named "Geraldine".

I drew Shannon last year in the 2022 Critters on Bicycles Challenge Sketchbook:

Critters on Bicycles - Shannon the Hedgehog

I'll be seeing her tomorrow, so I won't be posting this on Instagram until after that... because... SURPRISE... but I'm relatively certain she does NOT follow this blog... so... 

Kind of dropped the ball with getting going on any of these drawing challenges for October... Kind of thought I'd do some MORE Critters on bicycles - to finish filling that sketchbook, as I... didn't get around to doing that... yet... 

There are 20 pages left in that sketchbook... There are a few left in the 40/50 days of 40K Challenge Sketchbook as well, which I also was working on last October... maybe I could finish that one up too (There are 11 to do to finish the initial 40... but there are 10 extra pages in the book that I's planned to do another 10 characters on!)... 

We shall see.  


  1. Another excellent piece! The bike looks like an actual bike (supposedly it's not easy for people to draw bicycles generally). Must be tricky getting that shirt off though. ha ha
    (I know what you mean about gatherings - now, getting together for games can be easier for me than the sort of party where people just talk and eat and drink - ha ha)

    1. Thanks! I think it's like drawing any sort of convincing motor or machinery, whether your are familiar with machinery through personal experience or just from studying pictures and learning what parts do and what they're there for.

      Cars are easy because it's a car body with windows and wheels. Drawing a car engine is much harder.

      Bike are harder because, as simple as they are, all the mechanical working are there for people to see. So, I think the problem people have is unless they KNOW all those parts of the bike and what they're for (or they've studied pictures of bicycles really well) they tend to not know how they're put together and are utterly lost when they try to think about how they go together or they leave stuff out or just... do stuff ... WRONG... and it just doesn't look right.

      I think it's like drawing anything - if you haven't LOOKED at the thing you're trying to draw and tried to understand how it works, you're not going to be able to just conjure one out of your head and have it look right.

      There was a really funny video going around of an artist who asked people to DRAW A BICYCLE and then fabricated bicycles that looked like what the people drew - they were hilarious!?

    2. I was sure there was a video... but maybe it was just an article... and maybe it was 3D renderings instead of actually building them...


    3. Oh, maybe some did get made...

