Friday, September 29, 2023

Critters on Bicycles - Edie Rides a Mountain Bike

ANOTHER Critter on a bike! 

I haven't done one of these for a while! I did this one as a surprise for a friend who... well... hasn't been having a great time. Was in hospital most of the summer... then back in last week for some surgery... 

Edie the Red Boston Terrier Rides a Mountain Bike

(Edie is her dog: Edie the Boston on Instagram

It's been a slow year, art-wise... Hoping things will pick up in teh next few months. Maybe I need to get in on one of those October drawing challenges to kickstart things... I still have space in the Critters on Bicycles sketchbook that I started LAST October?! Maybe I just need to finish filling THAT up... 


  1. Possibly...? If I remember. I rarely use hashtags anymore.

  2. I think this is one of your best so far! The rocky path and the shadows and everything looks great!

    1. Thank you so much! I was pretty happy with it, too!
