Thursday, February 2, 2023

Hourly Comic Day

 I guess the first of February is Hourly comic day...? Not sure when it started. Saw people participating in the past and thought, "hey, that'd be fun to do" but always forgot about it until I started seeing the posts appear the next year... Well THIS YEAR... someone I follow on Twitter mentioned it a few days in advance, so... I was sort of prepared... sort of... 

The idea, I think, is to draw a comic every hour about what you've been up to for the last hour...? And post it on some sort of social media (I've seen them on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook).

I managed to crank them MOSTLY out "on time"... mostly... almost... until about 5pm.. I did do a few after that, but didn't get around to posting them. The rest I finished up today... So... here is a day in the life, sort of... I don't normally spend the whole damned day drawing comics about trying to draw comics all day... 

I busted out a brand new sketchbook to do these all in... and.. filled 32 of 48 pages (I think I'll tear the rest out and just use them for separate page doodling and such) 

And that's it... 

It was fun. If nothing else, it proved to myself I CAN get a LOT of shit done in a day (or two) when I'm FOCUSED on something... not that it's all going to be AWESOME... but shit gets done! 

Will I do it again? Maybe. I'll have to think a bit more about format beforehand. Also, I should probably learn to use the freaking iPad - seems like that's what most people are doing. No mess, quickly upload - without having to take pictures and edit and format those pictures... 


  1. Quite an undertaking! Too much for me! Kudos to you for doing so many drawings, with color and everything!

  2. What an undertaking indeed! Terrific effort well done!
    Alan Tradgardland
