Monday, November 21, 2022

Sketching - Finnegan Watching Art History Lecture

Considering the INSANE amount of drawing I did through October, I feel like I've totally slacked off... dropped the ball... just... haven't been drawing so much...

I HAD planned to continue the two drawing challenges I was working on in October right through this month (and maybe part of December) to fill both the sketchbooks I was working in.  

But that just hasn't happened. 

And I'm feeling like a bit of a lazy slug for it... 

I did do a little doodle last week, though... 

This is a quick sketch of Finnegan I did while he was watching one of his Art History lectures. 

I took the equivalent survey of Art History almost 30 years ago!? Because he watches the lectures at home, I've sat in on a few. This one that Finnegan is taking is SO GOOD. Art History has come a long way. I mean, from the get go - my prof had, with a great deal of certainty, explained the Venus of Willendorf was a fertility symbol... and I remember sitting in class thinking "how do they KNOW that, FOR SURE!?" In this class, the prof flat out said, "WE DON'T KNOW what the WOMAN of Willendorf was for!" and that just set the tone for the entire class. 

The funny things is, I'm pretty sure the prof is a guy I remember seeing around everywhere, all the time, but never actually met. Like, I'm certain I saw him at EVERY show I ever saw at Louis or Amigos. And back in 1993, there was, like, four or five of us that were riding bikes to campus in the winter. When I showed up on campus I could look around and say "oh, there's Neil's bike... and there's Mike's bike... and there's THAT OTHER GUY's bike..." and I'm pretty sure this prof IS that other guy... 

Oh and friends of mine used to play D&D with him...  

Small world, huh...? 

1 comment:

  1. Great work. Art history is cool, I have taken classes since retiring, love it
    Alan Tradgardland
