Wednesday, September 21, 2022

A Day in the Life (sort of)

 I did a thing the other day....

Usually I like to just let art (especially comics) speak for themselves, but I felt like this might need a little context. The therapist I’m currently seeing (because, y’know, I’m working through some shit and apparently it’s okay to admit that these days…?)… suggested I keep track of everything I do in a day - making note of what I was doing every 15 minutes. He suggested making an arty thing of it, because he knows I do art. I’ve incorporated art into other homework-things I’ve done for him. 

Immediately my mind went to the Hourly Comics Day challenge (which I think is in February…? ), where you stop every hour on the hour and do a quick comic of what you did the last hour…? And post it on some social media…? Yeah, I thought I’d do the same thing… but EVERY FIFTEEN MINUTES!? It’ll be a super-fun-slice-of-life-day-in-the-life-of-Tim comic! I could probably fill and entire sketchbook in a day! Somewhere in the back of my head, I KNEW that would basically mean I’d spend the day drawing pictures of me drawing pictures of me doing what I’d done 15 minutes earlier… which would be me, drawing pictures of me drawing pictures of me 15 minutes earlier… but sometimes when you get a shit idea in your head and you just got to see it through. 

So this is actually NOTHING like what I usually do in a day… For one, I was FAR MORE PRODUCTIVE (artistically speaking). Also, I usually go out and do errands and a bike ride and… y’know… OTHER STUFF… But hey… 

I did this all in a 6"x6" Speedball Coil-Bound Watercolour Sketchbook.

A few other notes that might make a few things make more sense... 

Amanda had the day off. She was supposed to go to a physio appointment for 8am - but on the other side of town.... and she was riding her bike. She's practicing for her performance in the Saskatoon International Burlesque Festival - NEXT WEEK! 

Maybe I'll leave other notes until after... 

A few notes... 

6:00 - What was stressing me out was Amanda not getting up when her alarm goes off, which she sometimes has a habit of doing, and then gets furiously angry about being late and having to rush to get to an appointment!

4:30 - on Mondays we started taking a ballroom dance class. I was actually looking forward to going to it and drawing us riding bikes to it and dancing at the class and riding home... but I was just feeling so tired and ill by 4:30... 

5:30-6:00 - we're watching RuPaul's Drag Race: Season Nine. 

6:30 - I wasn't tired of RuPaul - we were finished watching it, I was just TIRED and feeling a bit sick again. 

7:30 - The show we watched was Fate: The Winx Saga

10:00 - I wasn't really WANTING to watch more of it. I was just too tired to think of something else to do... and not loving the show... and didn't want to waste ANOTHER evening to finish it up and I knew Amanda would want to finish it. 

11:30 - Amanda points out that if we were 16 we'd probably think it was awesome. 

12:30-1:00 - I should have coloured Quordle and Tetris... but I just got tired of it all... Also it's mostly Tetris Gems.

1:30 - I'd probably be lying if I said I didn't stay up a bit longer than I should have just to COMPLETELY FILL the sketchbook. 


  1. ha ha
    Interesting exercise, but yeah, every 15 minutes would be a bit much for me and there wouldn't be much difference even at every half hour.

    1. Yeah, there really wasn't! I seem to recall even the people doing the hourly comic challenge often drew themselves drawing themselves a lot.

      Might be interesting to just note what was going on every 15 minutes - as the exercise was originally explained - and then illustrate THAT on a different day... But that might just end up being an onerous task... There's something about doing it in the moment that made it kind of fun, silly though it was, and, I guess, the big lesson learned here was; I can get a lot of shit done in a day when I don't really worry too much about what it looks like.

      Maybe I need to lean into that. Go "Full Steadman"!

  2. Yeah, "Full Steadman" might be a way to do it. ha ha

    Still, it would be hard to do it and also be active, unless you took frequent pauses in your activity. For example, sometimes I go for a walk for an hour or two. I'd have to keep stopping without good places for a halt to draw.
