Wednesday, November 3, 2021

November 2021 - Behind the Scenes

 I really did just come up with this daft idea on Sunday... 

Initially I thought I'd do this just one page at a time... 

Right in my sketchbook, starting when I left off at the end of October... 

I still really like the idea of having done it in my sketchbook, but I VERY QUICKLY realized there would be certain logistical problems with doing so and had to make adjustments... 

Also, after doing this first page, I decided it would probably be a better idea if I actually plotted out - at the very least - the day's pages... 

And so I did that in my BIG sketchbook. 

And then started doing them on individual pages... which went MUCH quicker... 

Starting with Day Two, I began typing the dialogue into the computer, because I had all sorts of ideas, but wasn't initially sure where to put them in the overall dialogue... and once they were in order, I printed it off and tried to figure out page and panel breakdowns from there... 

thought the second batch of eight pages were worked out for Day Two, I only got four of them finished. 

All of the pages so far. 

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