Tuesday, July 11, 2023

July Colours

 I started experimenting with some funner colours from this Holbein Acrylic Gouache set I picked up... a while back... It's been fun. I used to paint fairly abstracted things in vibrant colours a LONG TIME AGO... and I kind of miss it. 

Yellow Rabbit on Pink Background  - 28cmx35cm (11"x14") - acrylic gouache and ink on paper

Based on a photo I took last weekend of a jackrabbit that startled me while walking in an alleyway downtown, killing time while Keiran was in a singing lesson. 

Pink Surly Karate Monkey on Blue-Green Background - 35cmx43cm (14"x17") - acrylic gouache and ink on paper

It's my Purple Surly Karate Monkey... painted in pink... mostly from memory... 


  1. Very nice work!
    I like the jackrabbit and fur texture and shadows. Some great pen work and brushwork.
    Great job on the bicycle, too. Especially on the angle of view, as well as the various shapes and features. Bikes can be tricky to draw correctly, and to do it that well from memory I think shows an intimate knowledge of the subject!

    1. Thanks!

      Yeah, People always say bikes are tricky... but I never really thought so... mind you, bicycles have been my main form of transportation for most of my life and I've been doing my own repairs on them for nearly 40 years. I've even put them completely together - starting with a frame set and a pile of components and assembling ALL the parts. So I am VERY familiar with how they all go together... But I don't know that they're any more complicated to draw than any other mechanical devices...?

      A lot of people DO have trouble drawing them. Lots of people - in North America, at least - don't ride them beyond childhood, so would have hazy memory at best about how they go together. It's frightening how many illustrations I've seen of bicycles that... well... I'm not sure if the illustrator had ever actually ridden or even taken a close look at one!? One would think if you were drawing one for a children's book or a poster or something, you might look at some sort of picture reference...?
