Saturday, July 19, 2014

Finnegan Adds Ninjas

I’ve been meaning to do another Comic Jam for a while now, and tried a couple times to set up a regular day to do it once a month… but people are so busy…

I finally decided I was just going to do one this weekend and if I had to Shanghai my kids into it… so be it. As it turns out the amazingly talented Elaine Will joined us!! Elaine, for any that don’t know is the author of Look Straight Ahead and currently working on a comic adaptation of Dustship Glory.

Elaine and Keria working away…

Here’s what we came up with…

(It's not one continuous story... there's five separate two page/ eight panel stories - even though they ALL HAVE NINJAS each was started by a different person then passed to the next person to add a panel - it was Finnegan that added all the ninjas, hence the title... not sure what brought that on...?) 

Coming soon on Tim’s Art Blog: