Friday, January 24, 2025

I Drew a Thing

 Having cleaned my pens, yesterday, I decided it was time to start DRAWING!

(well... technically, I decided it was time to start drawing again BEFORE I cleaned the pens... that is WHY I cleaned the pens!)

It being Thursday, I thought I would start with the Thursday Portrait Challenge by Studio Tea Break on Bluesky. I had participated in these when I used to have a Twitter account. Studio Tea Break eventually moved to Bluesky, so... 

This week's Challenge was ‘The Princess’ (Painting of a Shawi Berber woman from Algeria), painted by Frederick Arthur Bridgman sometime between 1870 to 1878. 

This is my take on it. It's a start... 

I like the Thursday Portrait Challenge. It's like the time-honoured tradition of Painting from the Masters - copying the works of those who've gone before to learn their techniques through the process of DOING them. I guess this isn't exactly the same thing, because I very definitely did not do this with oil paints! 

Here is the original... 

Frederick Arthur Bridgman - The Princess (1870) - borrowed from Wikimedia Commons:

Studio Tea Break can be found here:

My stuff on Bluesky can be found here:

I have previously posted on this blog a number of the Portrait Challenges I did through 2022 here:

Virtual Studio - Thursday Portrait Challenges

Thursday, January 23, 2025


It has been almost a year since I posted anything here... 

It has been almost as long since I even drew ANYTHING!?

I cleaned my pens today.

Lets see where that takes us...