I had the next dozen pages written... then I thought I'd pencil them all in one batch... and I did that, mostly... and then I thought I'd ink and colour a few pages a day and post those... and started doing that... but then started jumping around a lot... and then got sick of it all... and then decided to take a day or two off.... and then got distracted by other things and fell out of the groove.... that day or two turned into a week or two... and then the rest of the month... and now here we are... It's been a struggle to finish these. I'm not sure where I'm going from here.
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Like I said... I'm not sure where I'm going from here... I have a script for the next dozen pages or so... and a general (but somewhat vague) idea of where it's going after that... but I am SO SICK of drawing it on these tiny 8x8 squares... I may continue... but the format may change. Which causes me some deep pain... the whole point was to pick something and STICK WITH IT!?
On the other hand, the other point of this was just to do a thing and learn from the experience and grow... and if I hate what I'm doing so much that it makes me NOT want to do the thing... maybe it's time ot change it up to something I DO want to continue with...
We shall see...